the Free.Page Guide

Download The Free.Page Guide

Start building your own amazing website by following the steps in The Free.Page Guide.

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    “I use a Free.Page website for my bestselling book, Rise of the Reader to host my blog posts and grow my email list.

    It looks great and it's so simple to set up. I can't believe how many amazing features I get FOR FREE.

    It's easily the best-kept secret in website publishing!”

    Author, Rise of the Reader

    What you get:

    The Free.Page Guide walks you through every detailed step of setting up your own website including:

    • Registering and connecting your own custom domain
    • Customizing your Home Page (Creator Profile)
    • Formatting your Incentive Email
    • Creating Landing Pages for various offers
    • Setting up your blog
    • And much, much more!

    What is it all about?