Free.Page - The Best-Kept Secret in Website Publishing


Your book needs a website.

ALL 100% FOR FREE. It's the best-kept secret in web publishing. In fact, THIS ENTIRE SITE is an example of a Free.Page. Already have a website? Great! Just add a free.page as a subdomain. Ready to make your own? Enter your email below to learn more and get your FREE Free.Page Guide.

If you're an author or an influencer, you already know that you need your own website and that you need to be growing your own email list.

It's easy to get lost and overwhelmed with all of the options, details, and costs. Before you know it, you could be spending money on features that you don't even need.

Free.Page gives you a professional online presence with all of the marketing features you need (with none of the costs).

With a Free.Page, you get your own website to showcase who you are online. You can connect your website to your own custom domain and offer incentives for visitors to join your email list. You can even sell products on your website!

And it's all completely free. Seriously.

Nick Hutchison from BookThinkers uses a Free.Page for his bestselling book, Rise of the Reader:

His Free.Page website uses a custom domain, offers lead magnets to grow his email list, and also serves as a blog comprised of his previous email newsletters and LinkedIn articles.

Build Your Own Free.Page

It's easy to do and it's completely free! Download The Free.Page Guide to get started:

Already have a website? Great! You can add a Free.Page as a sub-domain on your existing site and still get all of the marketing benefits of growing your own email list. CLICK HERE to learn more about this.

Free.Page helps authors and influencers build their own websites on Kit.com, a premier email marketing company. Your Free.Page is completely free up to 10,000 email subscribers. And don't worry; once you have 10,000 subscribers, you'll be making money and paid plans start at just $25/month.

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Your book needs a website.

ALL 100% FOR FREE. It's the best-kept secret in web publishing. In fact, THIS ENTIRE SITE is an example of a Free.Page. Already have a website? Great! Just add a free.page as a subdomain. Ready to make your own? Enter your email below to learn more and get your FREE Free.Page Guide.